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 Shipping cost to be calculated based on size/weight/destination.
 Extra Factory Package & Shipping may apply. Your quote will have the TOTAL amount.
 Shipping Lead Time averages 9 days from payment.
 We ship USPS, UPS or FEDEX. Ask for actual Shipping Fees.


 Pre-pay via Paypal, Money Order or Check (after bank clearance).


 Prices may change without notice. Ask for Quotation.
 Larger quantities may be entitled to receive better price reduction.


 We are able to export to several countries in South America and Europe.

 State Tax

 Florida customers must include 6% tax or should supply tax resale number for Federal ID number registration.

 Minimum  Quantity 

 Minimum quantity per item specified at price column.
 Sometimes a smaller quantity can be arranged.  Ask at your quotaion.

 Minimum  Purchase

 Minimum purchase $150, handling fee $10 per order.
 Purchases above $300, handling fee is $5 per order.

 Purchase  Orders

 All purchase orders, should be initiated with a Price Quotation email.
 State in your email your complete shipping address directions, all the part numbers and  quantities, and how you plan to pay.  Send the email to:

Please, email us your request, with full product description, part number, quantity and price,
your complete shipping address, special instructions for delivery.  We will return a quotation.
Several products are Made In Taiwan or China - Bulk Prices imply in bulk plastic packing.
The quality of the products are top of the line and products are brand new, from very recent production.
Always ask a product quotation, so we can ensure the product is available, prices, shipping cost, etc.

Please compare our prices with distributors as Digikey, Allied, Jameco, JDR and others.
How can we do it? Simple, we don't have hundreds of people to pay, huge warehouses, etc.,
and we are probably buying from the same manufacturers as they do, so you gain.

There are no parts available for sale at this moment.
We are closing better deals with suppliers from the east,
we will post information here as soon the new parts would
be available for sale and for your savings.

Thank you.

*   USTR   *